Thermal and isothermal containers

Enjoy food heat containers are intended for prevalent domestic use although there have been restaurants hotels and catering services that have purchased them for professional use.

Lunchboxes and food carriers are the smallest containers for lunch break and picnic. They keep the temperature for hours and if you have a microwave at work you can heat the food directly in the lunchboxes. They can be washed in the dishwasher.
Prisma or Tuttocaldo seriespirophile containers have a ceramic pyrophile that can be put in the oven and then inserted hot into thepirophilic carrier. They are ideal for transporting hot pasta, roasted or grilled meats, vegetables.
The Tuttocaldo series is available in 4 shapes: oval 3 liters, oval 4 liters, rectangular and gourmet.

Isothermal containers are suitable for professional use for the transport of hot foods. They are indispensable for canteen service or catering. Container performance can be increased when combined with eutectic plates for heat or cold.

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Showing 1–12 of 39 results